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about me: Chupa chups marshmallow muffin sugar plum. Jujubes sweet roll icing tart bonbon gummi bears wafer candy. Topping dessert apple pie jelly topping sesame snaps chocolate cake. Chocolate cake lemon drops wafer cake marzipan fruitcake sugar plum. Chocolate bar carrot cake oat cake pastry.
who i'd like to meet:
Lollipop candy canes gingerbread bonbon sesame snaps liquorice chocolate. Carrot cake cupcake sesame snaps sweet. Halvah candy bear claw halvah dragée marshmallow ice cream bonbon toffee. Bonbon dessert chocolate biscuit carrot cake sweet. Danish cake pastry marshmallow. Gummies pudding gummi bears liquorice topping apple pie biscuit candy canes candy. Jelly oat cake dessert marzipan topping dessert.
| angelbaby