Role Play Zone - Blogs Blogs From on Role Play Zone Roles Needing Writers 2025-01-20 MUST KNOW1) None of them can be here for solely sex.2) None of them can have random main connections.3) All must be part of the group and carry the appropriate tags in their name and this goes for mains for randoms as well.4) If you write one of the pre-designed characters please understand it belongs to the writer behind Delirium. If you write the Guidelines and Must Know Info 2025-01-20 Below are some things I feel need to be said. I do not require you to sign them but I am warning you now. If you do NOT follow what I say here then I will delete you without hesitation. I will NOT play any childish, high school, drama bullshit. I am here to write and have a good time.   Writing- I write 2+ paragraphs with at LEAST 5- Rules for Filling a Role 2025-01-20 You MUST write at least 2 para's, more is always welcome.No drama or bullshitLogin info for premade pages must stay the same and the character belongs to me unless I give them fully to you.Some pages have certain personalities and I expect them to be written accordingly.Understand that NONE of my connections will be all sex.You are expected to be o