Role Play Zone - Blogs Blogs From on Role Play Zone Moving Up Pt. 1 - All In A Week's Work 2023-10-17 "The time to expand is now. We don't have any competition on the street. I want to start pushing north right now. We put our stake back in Downtown, and from there, it's all settled."By Tony's words, he ordered what was next in line for the rebuilding Montana Cartel. With Venus by his side as his second in command and Felix as the eyes and ears on Deal Pt. 1 2023-08-04 Summer winds blew with the hot air with a whimper shaking the palm trees outside. The afternoon sunlight had melted away ay comfort one may have found when walking the streets. Shade was brief outside Venus' Beauty Salon in Little Havana, Miami Florida. Inside, the fans were blowing hard on the highest setting as a girl was busy cutting hair for a Montana Roundtable March 2023-03-30 The official 'state of the union or whatever you want to call it', in Tony's words was an old style meeting to address the current standing of where the Montana Organization stood in terms of operation and current business. The meeting took place in his office at home on the opposite side of the room, away from the desk. Two large black leathe Paradise Lost 2022-08-13 The following is an article published in Time magazine, from November 23 1981South Florida: Trouble in ParadiseBy James Kelly. Reported by Bernard Diederich and William McWhirter/MiamiNovember. The days grow short, the nights cold. Time to reach for that travel brochure for, where else, South Florida, America’s favorite winter playground. Hmmm, let